Public speaking, confidence
Public speaking and confidence to perform in front of others, may be something you don’t need help with, but in today’s climate there appears to be more jobs where you need to do more than just an interview, more than just a test.
For some just walking into a room of people they don’t know feels so difficult that it should be avoided.
I have had clients who in the past have turned jobs down because they may need to talk in a meeting or attend a conference. Any feeling they have is very real to them, a threat! to their unconscious that makes them withdraw from situations.
Getting help with public speaking
Confidence to interact with others, feeling as thought you shouldn’t be working in the position you are in? are in my experience common place. Wouldn’t it be nice to just be, without all the negative self talk, it is a possibility.
We all need a little help sometimes!
Every week I help many clients to make sense of their inner wold, perform better and get better results.
Above is a video from an expert Amy Cuddy on your body language and how it shapes who you are.
Amy makes reference to fake it till you make it, or more importantly believe it, it’s well worth 20 minutes of your time if you are interested.
Amy talks about confidence and how others and ourselves interpret it and then importantly how we can change it!
I use Cognitive Hypnotherapy to find out what’s in your background, why you feel public speaking is difficult (terrifying for some) so we can change it.
It’s a solution approach to help you change, develop, learn and grow.
If you would like to know more please feel free to call or email Joanne
Phone: 07711 704 585
Joanne Ritchie Dip.NLP, Dip.H, HPD, Cert.SM, Master Practitioner
Therapy rooms for Hypnosis and Cognitive Hypnotherapy in Queensbury, Bradford and Halifax town centre, West Yorkshire